Self Publishing Books—Textbooks, Business Books, How-To Books

Self publishing books has been around since our ancestors expressed ideas by drawing pictures on cave walls. Millions of years later, we still have a strong desire to share our knowledge with the world.
Are you looking to turn your expertise and insights on a particular subject into a professionally self published book?
From palm-reading educational textbooks to loom weaving how-to books, Callawind has helped authors self publishing books to communicate their expert knowledge. Other popular topics includes self-help, health, nutrition, exercise, pregnancy, hobbies, home decorating, and home renovation.
Our 1, 2, 3s to successfully publish your own textbook, educational book, business book, or how-to book
- thorough professional edit to ensure that your ideas and instructions are clear and coherent for readers
- review of all your images to ensure they are properly optimized for high-resolution offset printing and will reproduce well on press
- expert Photoshop retouching if necessary to make images publishing worthy
- image research and curation
- original design that reflects your vision and complements the book’s content
- award-winning printing and binding by one of our high-quality overseas or North American book printing partners
- print on demand through Amazon CreateSpace and IngramSpark
- step-by-step project management and customized production schedule
- personalized client care
- careful attention to all the details of your project
We provide custom quotes for self publishing books for whichever of our professional book publishing services you require. That means no confusing publishing packages to sort through. Only need a quote for book printing? No problem. Go to our Book Printing Quote Form.
Have you considered professional book editing?
Just like you, your book needs to present itself as professional and polished. You have insights, experiences, or stories to share that can positively impact your readers. The negative impact of spelling mistakes, questionable grammar, and unclear ideas will take away from your content.
For more information about the importance of working with a book editor, read our blog article on The Joy of Being Edited.
If you are self publishing textbooks, educational books, business books, or how to books, we would love the opportunity to hear more about your project.
contact us
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